Terms of Use of "Marmalady Clothing Bar"
The visitor / user of the pages and services of the website must carefully read the "Terms of Use" of their "Terms & Conditions of Returns & Returns", the "Privacy Policy" and the conditions for providing services prior to the visit or the use of our pages and services and in case of disagreement must not use them. Otherwise he is presumed to accept them unreservedly and gives his consent.
The following terms of use apply to all of the content and what is generally included on the website of the site "Marmalady Clothing Bar", for the sake of brevity, "Business" may at any time modify the terms of use and conditions, and users / visitors must each time check for any changes and if they continue to use (the site) they are presumed to accept unconditionally modified terms and conditions. Otherwise, they must refrain from using / visiting our site.
1. Provided website services
This website has been created by “Marmalady Clothing Bar” to provide immediate information on its products and services, enabling anyone to remotely purchase their preferred products into specific items, using social networking applications. These Terms of Use and Use of the Site ... are binding rules that are respected and enforced by the "business" in providing the following information society services to users. These terms are fully compliant with current European and Greek law, and non-compliance by users of the site or third parties with them implies the removal of any liability of the business with respect to any affected natural or legal persons, while users explicitly recognize the the right of the "Business" to alter the provisions of these terms, insofar as they do not relate to its binding legal obligations.
2. Product order - E-shop service
The visitor of the website, provided that he has legal capacity according to the Greek Civil Code, has the ability to remotely order the products available for sale, whether retail or wholesale, displayed on the website, under the terms and ordering procedure as is discussed here.
3. Contact the company
The visitor of the website can contact the company directly by e-mail or by following the relevant application that is customized on the "Contact" website, by completing the special form of sending a message.
4. Provider of information society services
4.1 The company is a provider of information society services provided through the Internet Domain Name and the website in the sense that these terms are determined by the pres. 131/2003 (Adaptation to Directive 2000/31 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the Internal Market) Directive on electronic commerce, Government Gazette 116 / A / 16.5.2003 ).
This status is subject to the terms of use of other providers of information society services, such as social networking applications used by the Site, which are governed by the respective terms of use of those companies.
4.2 In terms of the content that users of the Website are using, using applications from other companies (such as's " Like" application), the organization is not responsible for general and preventive surveillance because it is not the starting point for the broadcast, does not select the recipient and does not select or modify the information provided and is not subject to a general obligation to control the services it transmits or stores, nor a general obligation to actively search for facts or circumstances about any illegal activity . The organization has set up specific procedures for reporting illegal actions that could be made through the website (intellectual property, personal data, offensive content) and is committed to strictly following these procedures by ensuring that the website complies with current legislation.
4.3 In the context of the obligation to provide general information, according to article 4 of Presidential Decree 1331/2003, the Agency informs:
(a) Its full name is "Marmalady Clothing Bar, Clothing and Footwear Sales, with distinctive title "Marmalady Clothing Bar". (b) The geographical address in which the institution is established is: Ermou Str. 10, P.C. 54625 (c) The contact details are: Ermou Str. 10, 5fth floor, Thessaloniki, P.C. 54625, +302315533494, +306943123412, (d) The Entity is registered in the Register of Enterprises of the Hellenic Ministry of the Environment of the Hellenic Republic of Thessaloniki with a tax registration number 800858701 and in the register of suppliers who make distance sales of the Ministry of Development.
5. Product ordering and consumer protection
5.1 Requirements for a valid order. The visitor of the website is able to enter into a valid order if he / she is legally competent according to the Greek Civil Code, i.e. if he / she has reached the age of 18 and is not in legal support for the conclusion of a sales contract. Orders can also be made by legal representatives. Any orders from legally incapacitated persons have legal consequences.
Making an order requires:
(a) Completion of a relevant form by listing ALL of the necessary information for the conclusion of the sales contract.
(b) The unconditional acceptance of the terms of the sales contract as regards the item sold, the price including taxes and other costs, the manner of processing the transaction, the time and of delivery place of the products.
(c) Unconditional acceptance of these terms of use, which form an integral part of the contract being drawn up. Acceptance of the above occurs upon completion of any order.
The payment method is chosen by the user and includes the possibility of payment by cash on delivery or by bank deposit to the account no. GR 61 0140 8460 8460 0200 2008 972 Account in the bank "ALPHA BANK" or whoever else is designated by the business.
5.2 The execution of an order constitutes the conclusion of a distance selling contract, applying the relevant legislative framework (article 4 of Law 221/1994, as amended and in force). The customer through the website is informed by the company before completing his order, before completing and submitting the relevant form for:
(a) The identity and address of the supplier.
(b) The essential characteristics of the good.
(c) The price and the cost of transport, as well as the value added tax, if not included in the price.
(d) The method of payment, delivery.
(e) The duration of the offer or the price.
(f) The right of withdrawal.
By sending the order form, the customer receives an online copy of the order, which he/she can save, including the above information and additionally all information related to the after-sales service and the existing commercial guarantees.
6. Consumer rights
6.1 Right of withdrawal. In the case of ordering and purchasing a product from the Immediate Release, the customer has the right to withdraw within fourteen (14) calendar days, returning the goods in their original condition. This period starts from the receipt of the products. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the customer has the obligation to fill in and send the request electronically. The withdrawal to our company is made by issuing a credit coupon corresponding to the value of the products and can be redeemed in a future purchase. The credit coupon does not include the shipping cost of the original order. The cost of your parcel is taken care by our company. Refunds are not made.
6.2 If a product proves to be defective, the following complaints procedure of paragraph 7 is followed and the product is replaced.
7. Complaint Subbmition
7.1 In any case where the consumer has not been satisfied with the fulfillment of the order or for any other reason relating to the online store of the website, he is entitled within ten (10) days from the presentation of the problem to submit a complaint to the business.
7.2 The consumer's complaint will be examined promptly and the response will be sent to him by the business no later than ten (10) days after receipt at his email address. When examining the complaint, the business reserves the right to contact the customer to clarify the circumstances that created the problem complained of. In this case, the customer should facilitate by providing the relevant information for the settlement of the issue.
7.3 In any case involving the operation of the online store, the user, by accepting these terms of use, has the obligation to follow the complaints procedure before choosing to initiate legal proceedings, which in such case will be considered abusive and rejected.
8. Use and protection of personal data
8.1 The business processes only what personal data is necessary to provide the services of the website and e-shop.
This is the data the visitors themselves provide when they complete some of the forms on the website, by proceeding knowingly with the registration of the data. The necessary processing of personal data of users of the website is a processing that falls within the scope of Article 7A, paragraph 1 (b) of Law 2472/1997, and is not transmitted or communicated to third parties, unless the procedure removal of confidentiality laid down by law is followed (N.2225 / 1994) or any obligations arising from the national enforcement of Directive 24/2006. The processing of the personal data of the contracted orders regarding the process of charging the price on credit cards is carried out under a relevant contract, by the Bank "ALPHA BANK" and by the PayPal website.
8.2 Any processing of personal data under paragraph 8.1 shall be carried out solely by persons under the control of the business. In order to conduct the processing, the enterprise has selected persons with corresponding professional qualifications that provide sufficient guarantees in terms of technical knowledge and personal integrity to maintain confidentiality.
8.3 The website of the "Marmalady Clothing Bar" does not register or store in any way any of your credit card information, except for the security of the transaction whether the card is Debit or Credit and whether it is Visa or MasterCard. The PayPal Payments account is stored in the PayPal account e-mail. All transactions you make through the website are governed by the relevant provisions of the Law on Consumer Protection (Law 2251/1994), which regulates issues regarding distance sales, as well as the provisions of European and International Law on e-commerce. The PayPal Payments account is stored in the PayPal account e-mail. All transactions you make through the website are governed by the relevant provisions of the Law on Consumer Protection (Law 2251/1994), which regulates issues regarding distance sales, as well as the provisions of European and International Law on e-commerce.
9. Intellectual Property Rights
9.1 Rights on distinctive titles, domain names and trademarks.
The distinctive titles, the trademarks and the domain names on which the website is posted are assets of the enterprise. The enterprise reserves the right to initiate civil, administrative, criminal, and any other legal action against any offender of the relevant terms of use of the above assets.
9.2 Intellectual Property Rights
The set of graphical layouts, programs, texts, icons, original photographic material as well as the layout of the entire website is an asset of the company. The enterprise reserves the right to initiate civil, administrative and criminal legal actions against any offender of the relevant terms relating to the use of the above assets.
9.3 Sui generis copyright on the database with respect to the database of the site
The enterprise is a "database maker" with the special rights of Article 45A of Law 2121/1993 and the relevant European Community institutional framework. In this context, it is forbidden to export and / or reuse all or a substantial part of the contents of the database, regardless of the protection of the database in accordance with the general intellectual property provisions. It also prohibits the repeated and systematic export and / or reuse of insubstantial parts of the content of the database that affects its normal exploitation by the company. The company reserves the right to initiate civil, administrative and criminal proceedings against any offender of the relevant terms relating to its specific right to the database.
10. Annotation policy
10.1 Posting comments in the permitted commenting fields is in principle prohibited and in any case requires their approval by the website administrator. However, the enterprise is not under any obligation to screen the content posted under the relevant provisions of Presidential Decree. 131/2003. In any case, if a comment does not comply with the following terms, it will not be posted on the site or may be removed after any posting.
10.2 Users and commentators should respect:
(a) minors, the elderly, persons with disabilities and health problems, as long as these properties are known to the commentator.
(b) the reputation of the business, avoiding the dissemination of non-reality or non-factual evidence.
(c) the rules of fair competition, which do not allow the website to display scornful comments to other companies or companies or even to comparison with the company's products and services with other companies.
(d) the presumption of innocence, that is to say, non-incrimination before the final conviction of an offense punishable by law.
(e) those who are in a state of mourning, psychic shock, and suffering, as well as those with obviously psychological problems, avoiding to offend their peculiarity.
Freedom of expression allows for acute criticism, but not for insulting, defamation, defamation, and insulting the personality of another.
10.2 Annotation of site postings outside the scope of social networking services is governed by the terms of use of the social networking service. However, in the event of a breach of the present conditions, the company reserves the right to initiate any procedure for restoring its reputation and avoiding infringement of its rights or rights of third parties.
10.3 In the event that a person or entity considers that it is affected by a visitor's comment on the site, it must notify it to the company following the complaint procedure as provided for in paragraph 7. The company will examine the complaint and is committed to immediately withdraw any offensive content. Only if the affected visitor to the website has not followed the above procedure and his rights have not been satisfied has the right to claim them through legal proceedings, otherwise it will be considered abusive and rejected.
11. Exclusion of consultants
Any information provided to users / visitors through our Site is not, in any way, directly or indirectly, instigated, advised or encouraged to do any act, but it is at the discretion of users / visitors to evaluate the information provided to them act on their own will, excluding our own responsibility.
12. Applicable law
12.1 For any dispute arising out of the use of the Services or for any other reason of disagreement between the User and the Company, Greek law is applicable and the courts of Thessaloniki are competent.
12.2 In the event of a dispute arising out of these terms of use between a user and the Company, the user is required to contact the Company before commencing any legal action within 10 days of the occurrence of the relevant events. Failure to comply with this condition constitutes a breach of an essential contractual term between the user and the Company.
12.3 Authentic text of these Terms of Use and Operating Rules is the original text in Greek. The website also provides an official translation into English. In case of discrepancies, the version of the Greek language is followed.